22nd September 2022 on Zoom
What's it about?
This month We’ll dive into Low Level USB with Microsoft .NET
Peter Shaw – Low Level USB with .NET:
UARTs, we all have them, just about every microcontroller has one built in, but did you know that some of them actually have special powers?
We take it for granted, that these days we can plug in a cable, and have some kind of virtual com-port to talk to our Arduinos, ESP32’s and other similar gadgets, but how many of you know, that the humble UART (or more specifically) the humble UART based on the “Future Technology” chip-set, is actually a GPIO device in its own right.
We routinely employ Arduinos and ESP32’s to build I2C and SPI systems, but with the FT232R & FT232H USB serial devices, you can actually connect one of these devices directly to your PC’s USB port and then directly connect many I2C and SPI devices directly to it.
Even better, the driver software can run as a user managed DLL and be accessed directly from standard C# and .NET code.
In this session, I’ll give you an introduction on how do this, and build your own PC IoT devices, driven by .NET
Please note. Neither the speaker nor the Nottingham IoT Meetup are responsible for any damage to any components or hardware you may bring along.
Note also that the equipment at the event remains the property of the speaker(s), and is for demo purposes only.
About Our Speakers:
Peter Shaw:
Peter “Shawty” Shaw has been hacking a torturing computers and electronics since the late 1970’s, now in his 4th decade of this unhealthy obsession, he’s still finding ever more creative ways to abuse technology and make it do things it was never intended to do.
From the BBC Micro to a million dollar mainframe he’s had his grubby paws on them all, and showing no signs of slowing down any time soon.
You can find him at;
Twitter: https://twitter.com/shawty_ds
Blog: https://shawtyds.wordpress.com
GitHub: https://github.com/shawty
LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/in/petershaw08/
Where will we be meeting:
This month we’ll be back on Zoom.
We’ll be kicking off at 18:30 for an open networking chat on Zoom, before kicking our talk off at 7PM.
You can join the Zoom Meeting by simply going to the following URL & following the Prompts;
We’ll be password protecting the meetup to help prevent “ZoomBombing”. We’ll be sending out an email to people that have RSVP’d around 5.30pm UK Time on the day, so make sure to check your emails!
Before that, do feel free to head over to https://zoom.us & create yourself an account as well as downloading the client to your favourite machine!
We’ll also be streaming the Meetup on YouTube.