The BBC:Microbit… It does (way) more than you think!

25th April from 7pm - Uni Days, Nottingham

What's it about?

Discovering that the BBC Micro:Bit is a pretty capable little device!

What will we be doing?

Pete Gallagher of PJG Creations to talk to us about the BBC Micro:Bit.

This diminutive device may be affordable and have the perception of being aimed at children… But we’ll spend the evening changing your mind!

We’ll start by introducing the basics of the Micro:Bit including how to create our first program.

Next we’ll move on to how to use the built in sensors and I/O.

Once we’ve got that sorted, we can start looking at the Radio and Serial Communications.

Finally we’ll cover more advanced topics including how to extend the Micro:Bit’s capabilities with our own Extensions.


What do we need to bring?

Nothing if you just want to watch!

If you want to get involved and follow along, then feel free to go here and buy a Micro:Bit starter kit!



Please note. Neither the speaker nor the Nottingham IoT Meetup are responsible for any damage to any components or hardware you may bring along.

Note also that the equipment at the event remains the property of the speaker, and is for demo purposes only. (See above if you’d like to bring your own!)

About Our Speaker

Pete Gallagher:

Pete Gallagher organises Notts Iot, Co-Organises Dot Net Notts and Notts Dev Workshop, is a LATi Board Member, a freelance programmer for PJG Creations Ltd and is an active STEM Ambassador.

He’s happy programming in most languages these days. Pete has given a number of talks on IoT on topics from An Introduction to IoT through to Microsoft IoT Hubs.

Pete can be contacted on Twitter at: @pete_codes, @pjgcreations and on the web at

Where will we be meeting:

Once again, we’d like to give our sincere thanks to the fabulous UniDays, who are giving us the space to host our meetup… UniDays is based at the bottom of Maid Marion Way in Nottingham. Upon arrival, simply ring the bell and somebody will buzz you in. The meetup will be on the third floor.


We’re proud to partner with Jetbrains, who are kindly offerring one lucky attendee a 1 year subscription to a JetBrains product of your choice, including Resharper, IntelliJ and PHPStorm.

Attend and tweet on the #NottsIoT hashtag to be in with a chance of winning!

Food and Drink:

For one month only, the wonderful people at Rebel will be spoiling us with free Curry! Yey! PJG Creations will once again be sponsoring the evening’s drinks.


Notts IoT are on the lookout for a full time Headline Sponsor… If you or anyone you know would be interested, please do get in touch!