3rd June 2020 on Zoom
What's it about?
Join the fab Laura Silvanavičiūtė where she’ll demonstrate how to create Rock and Roll with Code!
Laura Silvanavičiūtė – Rock n Roll with Code:
We are very used to generating visual results with code but are still often surprised to hear that we can create music in the same way.
Oh, you didn’t know that? You are not alone. Even though the idea of music programming is definitely older than all of us this concept is still pretty unfamiliar among many developers. Not for long! Let’s shed some light on Sonic Pi and JavaScript capabilities of live music coding as well as music integration into our web applications with Web Audio API.
Please note. Neither the speaker nor the Nottingham IoT Meetup are responsible for any damage to any components or hardware you may bring along.
Note also that the equipment at the event remains the property of the speaker(s), and is for demo purposes only.
About Our Speaker:
Laura Silvanavičiūtė:
Laura Silvanavičiūtė is a 24 years old software engineer obsessed with front-end development. Simultaneously she teaches Web Development for teenagers at CodeAcademyKids school. 2 years ago she was on the Dark side – developing on Mainframe supercomputers with COBOL language, but due to limitations and slow evolvement of used technologies, she decided to shift them pretty drastically.
In general, she think we should not need to stick to any specific technology in this rapidly progressing IT World but rather try and use various different ones. Every new experience increases our creativity, knowledge, curiosity and expands mindset. Her latest discovery which she found to be super fun & still beneficial is Music Programming and she wants to share this one!
Twitter: https://twitter.com/laurasilvanavi
Linkedn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/laura-silvanaviciute/
Where will we be meeting:
Due to the ongoing pandemic, we’ll now be holding our meetings on Zoom.
We’ll be kicking off at 18:30 for an open networking chat on Zoom, before kicking our talk off at 7PM.
You can join the Zoom Meeting by simply going to the following URL & following the Prompts;
We’ll be password protecting the meetup to help prevent “ZoomBombing”. We’ll be sending out an email to people that have RSVP’d around 5.30pm UK Time on the day, so make sure to check your emails!
Before that, do feel free to head over to https://zoom.us & create yourself an account as well as downloading the client to your favourite machine!
We’ll also be streaming the Meetup on YouTube.