13th September from 6.30pm - Uni Days, Nottingham
What's it about?
When was the last time to visited your local museum? ….
What will we be doing?
Martin Kearn will talk about how museums are under increasing pressure to become commercially viable whilst modernising themselves and appealing the insta-generation. This is the story of how Microsoft worked with Black Radley to create the ‘intelligent exhibit’ IoT device. This is a Raspberry Pi device which adds artificial intelligence to museum exhibits by tailoring the audio description to the age of the exhibit visitor. It does this whilst logging insightful analytics data on the back end which tracks visitors as they traverse the museum. This is a tale of IoT, cloud, cardboard and museum artefacts from the 1800’s.
Martin Beeby of Oracle (who formally worked on the project while at Microsoft) will talk about the difficulties of developing IoT applications and connecting them to the cloud when you are in a museum with an internet connection that would be better suited to the Jurassic era.
What do we need to bring?
Yourself and a willingness to learn!
Please note. Neither the speaker nor the Nottingham IoT Meetup are responsible for any damage to any components or hardware you may bring along.
Note also that the equipment at the event remains the property of the speaker, and is for demo purposes only. (See above if you’d like to bring your own!)
About Our Speakers
Martin Kearn:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/martinkearn
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/martin-kearn/
Martin Kearn is a technical evangelist for Microsoft based in the UK. In his role, Martin talks with customers, partners, start-ups and anyone who is willing to listen about developing applications on the Microsoft platform. This includes Microsoft Azure, AI and Web technologies. Martin has been working with Microsoft development technologies since the late 90’s and has been working for Microsoft directly since 2005.
Martin Beeby:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/thebeebs
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thebeebsuk/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/thebeebs/
Martin Beeby is a Developer Evangelist at Oracle. Martin has been developing since he was 16 and over the past 19 years has worked on projects with many Major brands. Prior to joining Oracle Martin worked at Microsoft as a developer and evangelist for 8 years. Martin has written articles for, and been featured in, NET Magazine, ZDNet, NOUPE, SitePoint, TutsPlus and Channel 9.
Where will we be meeting:
Once again, we’d like to give our sincere thanks to the fabulous UniDays, who are giving us the space to host our meetup… UniDays is based at the bottom of Maid Marion Way in Nottingham. Upon arrival, simply ring the bell and somebody will buzz you in. The meetup will be on the third floor.