16th July 2020 on Zoom
What's it about?
Join the two brilliant speakers in Derek Woodroffe and Eleanor Tang as they talk about Tesla Coils and Smart Bins.
Derek Woodroffe – Tesla Coils:
Derek will be talking about and demoing a few pieces of High Voltage equipment!
We’ll be discussing;
Tesla Coils, High Voltage Multipliers, Van de Graaff’s, Wimshurst Machines, Violet Ray Machines, Induction Coils, and many other high voltage devices
Eleanor Tang – The Rise of Smart Bins:
Have you ever tried to jenga an empty coffee cup into an already full street litter bin and wondered whether someone will empty it before it’s doing a merry jig down the street? Have you looked outside of a business and thought: Surely they don’t need that many bins…!?
Dumpster dive with me into the world of waste analytics, where we unpack your habits through your empty crisp packets.
Please note. Neither the speaker nor the Nottingham IoT Meetup are responsible for any damage to any components or hardware you may bring along.
Note also that the equipment at the event remains the property of the speaker(s), and is for demo purposes only.
About Our Speakers:
Derek Woodroffe:
Derek was brought up on electronics. At an early age he was introduced to TTL logic and computing, even before the PET and ZX80 were available. His father was a ex-radar engineer who became an electronics repair man, who covered TV, radio, record players, and cassette players. For his father, electronics was a hobby that turned into his profession. His father’s enthusiasm directed his own interest.
After that, he spent ten Years in telecoms, and seven years as an Electronics/Software engineer in a theatrical/disco lighting company. After that he became a self employed programmer/computer engineer.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ExtElec
Website: https://www.extremeelectronics.co.uk/
Eleanor Tang:
With no prior experience in the waste industry Eleanor was initially enticed by the 6 weeks vacation intro training in Nashville TN with a Finnish tech start up. Three years down the line she’s helping councils and commercial businesses to improve waste management efficiency, hit recycling targets and reduce carbon emissions. She also now has a favourite type of bin!
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/eleanor-tang-488738a0/
Where will we be meeting:
Due to the ongoing pandemic, we’ll now be holding our meetings on Zoom.
We’ll be kicking off at 18:30 for an open networking chat on Zoom, before kicking our talk off at 7PM.
You can join the Zoom Meeting by simply going to the following URL & following the Prompts;
We’ll be password protecting the meetup to help prevent “ZoomBombing”. We’ll be sending out an email to people that have RSVP’d around 5.30pm UK Time on the day, so make sure to check your emails!
Before that, do feel free to head over to https://zoom.us & create yourself an account as well as downloading the client to your favourite machine!
We’ll also be streaming the Meetup on YouTube.