12th August 2020 on Zoom
What's it about?
This month we’re joined by two fantastic speakers – Jon Skeet and Dave Stapley.
Jon will be talking about how he’s hacked his MIDI DrumKit and Dave will be discussing how he’s build a full size Johnny Five Replica
Jon Skeet – Crash, bang, wallop: miscellaneous lessons from exploring a drum kit.
Last summer Jon bought an electronic drum kit. He’s thoroughly enjoying playing it (badly – His words not ours!) but he’s spent even more time talking to the kit over a USB MIDI connection, in an application which allows you to load, edit and save the drum kit configuration. Personal projects are always fertile grounds for learning and reflecting, unburdened by deadlines and other external forces.
This session will look at specific aspects of the (C#) code – particularly mutability and efficiency – but more importantly, we’ll reflect together on the nature of personal projects and how we can use them to become more effective in our professional coding lives.
(Drumming not included, for everyone’s benefit.)
Dave Stapley – Building Johnny 5
Dave will be talking about his experiences building a working full size replica of Johnny 5 from Short Circuit.
Please note. Neither the speaker nor the Nottingham IoT Meetup are responsible for any damage to any components or hardware you may bring along.
Note also that the equipment at the event remains the property of the speaker(s), and is for demo purposes only.
About Our Speakers:
Jon Skeet:
Jon Skeet is a Staff Software Engineer at Google, working from the London office on the Google Cloud Client Libraries for .NET. He’s probably better known for his contributions on Stack Overflow and his book, C# in Depth.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/jonskeet
Website: https://codeblog.jonskeet.uk/
Dave Stapely:
Dave is a Guitar Player and Robot Builder from North Wales.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/dave1stapley
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/J5Wrexham/
Where will we be meeting:
Due to the ongoing pandemic, we’ll now be holding our meetings on Zoom.
We’ll be kicking off at 18:30 for an open networking chat on Zoom, before kicking our talk off at 7PM.
You can join the Zoom Meeting by simply going to the following URL & following the Prompts;
We’ll be password protecting the meetup to help prevent “ZoomBombing”. We’ll be sending out an email to people that have RSVP’d around 5.30pm UK Time on the day, so make sure to check your emails!
Before that, do feel free to head over to https://zoom.us & create yourself an account as well as downloading the client to your favourite machine!
We’ll also be streaming the Meetup on YouTube.