12th November 2020 on Zoom
What's it about?
We’ve got two brill speakers this month.
Clifford Agius will be talking about how he helped build a Mobile Flight Simulator and Katie Tucker will be giving us an introduction to Quantum Computing!
Clifford Agius – Building a Mobile Flight Simulator:
ebuilding the British Airways Mobile Flight simulator that is used to teach aviation STEM subjects to children or be a centre piece at a Corporate event.
The simulator is based on a Boeing 787 and is fitted into the back of a trailer that can be best described as a burger van. In here you enter the world of flight sitting next to a BA line pilot while you try and land a 200Tonne aircraft.
In building the simulator there is a lot of IOT for the controls and instruments as well as a bespoke Application written to enable the Instructor to be able to control the simulator. This App can control where the Aircraft is, the weather and even throw in an emergency or two.
In this talk I will cover the details of the Simulator and how we built it as well as the Tech used, I will even show the DotNet code that went into the Instructors station.
Come along and really get your geek on with Aviation, Code and IOT all in one talk.
Walk away having learnt how to build your own simulator seen how you can control a simulated world from DotNet and a little IOT as well.
Katie Tucker – An Introduction to Quantum Computing:
Katie will be running through a beginners guide to quantum computing, from some explanations of the core concept to the real world applications that have become a reality. Get ready for the most enthusiastic beginners to intermediate guide to the wonderful world of quantum has seen so far.
Please note. Neither the speaker nor the Nottingham IoT Meetup are responsible for any damage to any components or hardware you may bring along.
Note also that the equipment at the event remains the property of the speaker(s), and is for demo purposes only.
About Our Speakers:
Clifford Agius:
Cliff is a senior first officer with a Major UK Airline on one of its newest jets the 787 Dreamliner.
When not flying the plastic jet he spends his time huddled over his laptop thrashing the keyboard and working on some project from embedded systems to .Net.
Personal challenges are always part of Cliff’s spare time and as well as continuing to design computer software he is busy with family life of a Wife, 3 Boys and 2 dogs and is also a keen cyclist, with the Alps Passporte’s challenge as next year’s goal.
Website: https://cliffordagius.co.uk/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/clifford-agius-10ba0739/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CliffordAgius
Katie Tucker:
Katie is a developer from Nottingham with a long held interest in quantum computing. Having picked up a base level understanding at university, Katie’s interest in quantum computing has only grown as it’s quickly become one of the buzz phrases of the last few years.
Katie is a developer at Source Bioscience and a new face in Nottingham, having moved from Worthing in the last two months.
Having studied computer science at university, Katie’s first two roles of software engineer were for the ferry aggregate Direct Ferries and the digital agency Fresh Egg down south. Hopefully a new familiar face once we are back to some normalcy!
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/katie-tucker-44b5b45b/
Where will we be meeting:
Due to the ongoing pandemic, we’ll now be holding our meetings on Zoom.
We’ll be kicking off at 18:30 for an open networking chat on Zoom, before kicking our talk off at 7PM.
You can join the Zoom Meeting by simply going to the following URL & following the Prompts;
We’ll be password protecting the meetup to help prevent “ZoomBombing”. We’ll be sending out an email to people that have RSVP’d around 5.30pm UK Time on the day, so make sure to check your emails!
Before that, do feel free to head over to https://zoom.us & create yourself an account as well as downloading the client to your favourite machine!
We’ll also be streaming the Meetup on YouTube.